Thursday, January 13, 2005

Phony Masks of the Fantabulous

There are people who are happy. There are people who are sad. There are people who are good. There are people who are bad. These people are people and should be treated as such. But none compares to the kind of people who are uncomfortable when they are surrounded with the same kind as them. These kinds of people are little cancer cells. They feed on everyone. They feed on everyone's expense. Becaue somehow, and today it still escapes me why, these people are not satisfied by just being happy. Oh no. They have to find someone in misery to promote their happiness. These people are assholes. Fucked up assholes. They wake up and see the world is bright and sunny. They wake up and think the world's sun shines for me and all those who are happy like me. And they think to themselves, "Why...everyone's happy. and if everyone's happy, then no one is happier. oh that cant be. i have to be the happiest. there has to be someone who is sad today. hmm.. you. yes you by the road in your gray shirt. how come your sad? sad man. silly sad man. be happy. look at me. im happy. look at the rest of us. we are happy. being sad...its so bad. being happy...its so much better. we are better. ahh. life makes sense again. doesnt it? go along now. amuse us with your sad trappings and adventures. oh so sad. "
these people. i hate these people. so insecure. so afraid of those who dare to be unlike them. i guess it is fear. they fear because to us, their whole life is not premier. it is mundane. because to us their lives are normal. and they cant dare to be normal. And so this people go into society. here is a simple activity you can do to find out who these people are. when you meet this people, listen. listen to them as they talk about how fantabulous they have become. this shouldnt be hard. and when they ask you how you are doing...tell them your not like them. and that theyre so fantabulous. they will spread their cancerous veins to you and the feeding will begin.
it amazes me. them. they should be shot.


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