Saturday, July 01, 2006


it's weird how i have been keeping this mishmash of a journal without mentioning work. Ha! God I hope its not that i could be ashamed of it. Of course its not that. if anything i am proud of what i do and how much i earn... or how much i earned it.

Coming to work you come to understand how people are lonely, if only we listen close enough. its such a universal denominator. Loneliness. People react differently to loneliness. my friend for one surrounds himself with people everyday even if through the conversations get to be monotonous. i know someone who uses work as a preoccupation. as for me, i deal loneliness in the only way i know how. to face it in the face and indulge. and maybe perhaps, after that i get to write about it as i pass by.
every week we talk to hundreds of people. And they come in with their problems while we listen. its a wonder really how we manage to filter out the connection to as inhuman as possible. i guess its what we have to do so that somehow at the end of the day, we come out intact. i honestly think that when two people talk, i mean really talk. they share and leave a piece of themselves with that other person. so i guess, we do what we can do. we detach ourselves and at the same time maintain the illusion of human warmth. its not because we dont care.
i think its because its the only way we can get up the next day without hanging ourselves.


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